This reminds be of a bug I reported in GM:Studio 1.4. Each call to draw_getpixel() or surface_getpixel() was slower than the last. After a hundred or so iterations it became a big problem. The suggested fix was "don't do that". It did not appear to affect HTML5.

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That's a good mystery! I guess they did have a point about avoiding getpixel, but the alternative is to copy a pixel to a single-pixel surface to do get the bytes from, and that's a little silly.

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Cool story! Next up, .webp

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Thank you! WEBP support more or less implies using libwebp, so that'd have to be a native extension. Been thinking about APNG since that can be split up into regular PNGs that GM can digest, but the format still isn't widely-used.

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I’ve heard of a png before, but never apng.

What about .heic? 👹

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